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Data-Driven System

Over 10 yrs Experience

All Oxbridge Experts

Tailored Solutions

「Succeed in School and Beyond」

Do you know what  AcademEye is?

AcademEye is a first-class international education platform founded by experienced Oxbridge Educational Experts.

We pinpoint students' specific learning barriers and tailor solutions to help them develop internal learning systems, learn right, and excel academically.

What does  AcademEye  Specialise in?

Our Vision

Easier Learning

Happier Youth

Brighter Future

Is AcademEye A Right Place For Me?

If your answer is YES to any of these question, then AcademEye is the right place for you.

Do you want to be the best student in class?

Do you study hard but still get bad grades?

Do you want a learning plan that's just for you?

Do you want to know how to learn right from the start?

Do you want to be the boss of your own learning?

Do you want to live your life and have a brighter future?


I'm prepping for my high school entrance exams. In just two weeks with AcademEye, I've gone from 400th to a solid top 100 out of 2300 students in my year group. Excited to keep improving!

Chan, 14

Disclaimer: the images used above portray actors in place of the client's image.

I'm a sophomore in high school and haven't been back to school because I've been feeling scared and lonely. But after studying with AcademEye for over 3 weeks, I feel a lot more confident about going back to school to learn.

Nan, 16

My son was out of school for a year due to illness. We found Mr. G just a month before his college entrance exams. With Mr. G's help, my son regained confidence, conquered exam fears, and got into medical university.

Tang, 43

Disclaimer: the images used above portray actors in place of the client's image.

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